You go online to a website and you want to buy something from it. It’s the website of a big compant. You might also see “secure payment by” followed by the name of a payments processor. They also might be, and should be, PCI-DSS-compliant. You feel safe, you proceed with...
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The issues with JDBC
Java Database Connectivity, commonly referred to by its acronym JDBC, is probably
my least favorite part of the whole Java ecosystem. I also have issues with JPA
and ORM in general but we can leave that rant for another time.
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How To Fail As A Start-up: A Detailed Guide
If you are planning to fail, do it in style!
The year is 2015, myself and three of my friends had an idea for a business which also fit the requirements for the Challenge 22 competition in Qatar that year. We applied, we presented, we got short-listed, we made it to the final, and we won in one of the...
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You Don't Actually Own Alibaba Shares
Seriously, you can't!
Alibaba had one of the biggest IPOs in history back in 2014, and it’s still the largest to date. Which makes sense, it was a giant company which was never available to the public. But it also doesn’t make sense, because you can’t actually own Alibaba shares unless you’re Chinese....
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Building the World's Best Network Simulator V
Could have done better
In the last four parts we went over the problem, high-level design, the design of some internal components, and how we dealt with time. That was enough to start running experiments; we had a full stable system. But sometimes you look at something after you’ve just finished it and think...
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