.env? So you have a project which needs environment variables, and now you want to run it locally. Setting environment variables manually is cumbersome. Another option is to source a file with those variables, but you will need to do that for every terminal session, and what if you weren’t...
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GitHub Packages: A fight against 422
It’s been a long while since I wrote something, and now I’m writing a post which is somewhat ranty about one of my favourite things: GitHub Packages. I love GitHub packages, it’s one of the most useful features of GitHub. Even, I daresay, more important to me than GitHub Actions....
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Microservices: The Forest and The Trees
“Microservices solve a people problem more than a technology problem”,
Someone from a podcast I can’t recall, 2019
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How we nearly introduced a hilarious DoS vulnerability
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are pretty common. They usually involve a number
of machines flooding a target server with requests. But that requires a lot of
processing power. What if we could perform a DoS attack with only few requests?
That would be fun, right?
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Idempotent APIs save lives...and money
Idempotency is a concept well known in the financial sector, but not much outside of it. In fact, I never heard of it before starting my job at an online payments company. Nevertheless, idempotency can be very benifcial to other sectors too. In this post, I’ll introduce the idea behind...
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